Frequently Asked Questions
We hope you find this information helpful as you consider acupuncture care, and prepare for your first appointment. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
What is acupuncture? How does it work?
Acupuncture is the most widely practiced form of general health care in the world. Although relatively new here in the Western world, Acupuncture is the oldest and most widely practiced form of general health care in the world. To borrow a bit from the NIH Consensus on Acupuncture, “The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (qi or ch’i, pronounced “chee”) through pathways or “meridians” in the body. The balance and smooth flow of this energy is essential for health.” Disruptions of this flow cause pain, symptoms, and eventually disease. Acupuncture corrects these imbalances of flow at very specific points on the body called “acupuncture points” by the insertion of delicate filaments called needles, which redirect the energy.
If we liken the meridians of chi flowing in the body to a stream of water flowing in a meadow, we can understand the disorder caused by a blockage: too much water above the block, and too little water circulating below. Both excess and emptiness cause problems.
Now consider the stream with the blockage removed. Smooth flowing water, balanced and healthy, with verdant life flourishing all around it.
Blockages in energy pathways can be caused by trauma, overuse, toxin, genetic predisposition, inadequate self-care, overwork, and other stressors that we all encounter, and which build up over time.
What can I expect in the treatment room?
Your initial visit will begin with a full interview and history. Each follow-up visit begins with a brief review of progress. After this, the acupuncture treatment will begin, and will last for around 45 minutes. Loose clothing is kept on. Lying down on the treatment table, you’ll cover up with a sheet and blanket, and will remain warm and draped at all times for comfort and privacy throughout your treatment, which lasts about 45 minutes. You will experience deep relaxation, and may drift off to sleep during treatment. You will conclude each treatment feeling clear and refreshed.
But what about the needles?
Acupuncture needles are extremely delicate – the width of one hair. They are sterile, individually wrapped, and disposable. The sensation most often described is, at most, a brief, tiny ache at the site of insertion. This sensation is not due to the needle itself, but to the unblocking of the chi, or energy, as it is released to move smoothly again.
The phrase most commonly heard by patients experiencing their first treatment is, “It’s so easy - why did I wait so long!” Julia is trained in a specialized Japanese technique known for its delicacy and comfort.
How long will I need to receive treatments?
The most beneficial course of care begins with once-weekly treatment for six to eight weeks, decreasing in frequency to twice monthly, once monthly, and finally once per season.